Purus Labs Mass Gain, Chocolate Cookie Crunch, 10lb


Purus Labs Mass Gain Benefits:

  • Continual Recovery †
  • Build Strength †
  • Gain Size And Mass †

Get Purus Labs Mass Gain,Purus Labs Mass Gain, Chocolate Cookie Crunch, 10lb and other Purus Labs products shipped the same day to USA, Brazil, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Japan, India, France and worldwide at the cheapest price online.

Purus Labs Mass Gain – 5.7LB – Chocolate Cookie Crunch – Weight Gainer

What Is Purus Labs Mass Gain?

Purus Labs Mass Gain is CALORIES, pure and simple. It’s specifically designed with a 5:1 carb:protein ratio for the hard-gainer who needs quality calories to fuel their muscles. Not just calorie quantity, but calorie quality.  52g of high quality, gently processed, low temperature filtered whey protein ensures your muscles have plenty of amino acids to recover and build new muscle with. 250 blended-source high-energy carbohydrates provide you bulk-calories in the form of usable muscle-energy. 6g multi-source “good” fats provide energy and help in muscle cell development. If you’re trying to pack on size, this is literally your meal ticket.

What’s In Purus Labs Mass Gain?

Purus Labs Mass Gain Supplement Facts

How Do I Take Purus Labs Mass Gain?

Dosage: Use Mass Gain Once Daily Or As Directed By Your Nutritionist Or Physician To Reach Your Fitness And Physique Goals. Blender Preparation Instructions: Add Water And/or Milk, A Handful Of Ice Cubes, Your Desired Ingredients And Your Preferred Serving Of Mass Gain Into The Blender. After Closing The Lid, Blend For 20-30 Seconds Or Until You Reach Your Target Consistency.


Allergen Information: Contains Milk And Soy.

PLEASE NOTE: Product image is representative of the product offered but may not have the exact attributes. Please read product description for the specific attributes of this product.

PLEASE NOTE: The information above is intended for reference only. While we attempt to keep our information accurate, we cannot guarantee it is an accurate representation of the latest formulation of the product. If you have any concerns, please visit the vendor’s web site. The information above are the views of the product’s manufacturer, not the views of Same Day Supplements. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Prices are subject to change at any time and some items are limited to stock on hand.

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