Animal Pak by Universal Nutrition, 44 Packs


  • Digestive Enzymes
  • Antioxidants
  • Adaptogens

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Animal Pak by Universal Nutrition – 44 packs – Vitamins/Minerals

Product Overview

Since August 8, 1983, Animal Pak has been helping competitive bodybuilders get the most out of their freakish training routines by providing all the nutrition they need, plus some they didn’t know they needed. For 25 straight years, people like you have made Animal Pak the #1 selling training “pack” in the world. In fact, more competitive bodybuilders have cut their teeth on the Animal Pak than any other bodybuilding supplement in history. Why? Simple. Animal Pak gets the job done. It works. First time. Every time. Animal Pak has stood the test of time.

See, nature, in all her ingenuity, has designed the human body as the ultimate training machine. Since the dawn of mankind, our bodies have changed very little. And when it comes to growing our muscles in a freakish way, we still need the right combination and mega-doses of essential amino acids, carbs, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Only Animal Pak has everything you need.

OK, so you think your regular multi is going to cut it? Get real, Jack. You want massive size and mega-strength and only Animal Pak can deliver. Each Animal Pak starts with mega-doses of necessary vitamins and minerals. Yeah, vitamins and minerals. Vitamins (organic) and minerals (inorganic) are pharmacological agents and catalysts. They can exert significant ergogenic/anabolic benefits and function as the spark plugs for activating all the necessary chemical reactions which make training and building muscle possible.

If you’re training or dieting hard for a contest, the first thing that happens when you don’t take the Animal Pak is that nutritional gaps begin to form. Why should you care? Because over time, these deficiencies continue to grow. Eventually, your body will stop functioning at its optimum level. In other words, you hit the wall, your development reaches a plateau. In fact, even if only one key nutrient is missing from your diet, your body could shut down the anabolic drive needed to build muscle so that it can support more critical metabolic processes. When this happens, you stop growing.

Research has proven that strength athletes such as bodybuilders and powerlifters, due to the intensity and frequency of their training programs, have higher nutritional requirements than regular athletes. Studies have shown that these unique needs are greatly increased for bodybuilders who regularly compete and need to diet down. During calorie-restricted diets (diets which tend to be repetitive and monotonous, e.g., rice and chicken), the potential for nutritional deficiencies increase dramatically.

More alarming is the fact that championship-caliber bodybuilders, even when supplementing with a regular multivitamin, were still experiencing significant nutritional deficiencies. A basic multivitamin supplement won’t be enough. Competitive bodybuilders know that a superior multivitamin is the first line of defense. This fact is confirmed by studies which have revealed that 100% of Olympic weightlifters and over 90% of competitive male and female bodybuilders use a vitamin/mineral supplement like Animal Pak.

These nutritional gaps not only affect your performance and size, but they begin to impact the way your other supplements work. For many of today’s supplements to work efficiently, your body needs to be running on all cylinders. Nutritional gaps mean that your supplements may be rendered ineffective. For example, many supplements (e.g., prohormones) rely on enzymes and other substances in your body to “activate” them. Poor nutrition means poor conversion and activation of expensive supplements. Animal Pak is your insurance policy to prevent this from happening.

One other reason to take Animal Pak daily: drug-induced nutrient depletion. Pharmaceutical drug use can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Relying on “science” or “gear” to get you huge can obviously exacerbate this problem. Even common pharmaceuticals and OTC’s such as aspirin, ibuprofen, antidepressants, and cholesterol-lowering drugs can deplete your body of folic acid, iron, potassium, and important vitamins. If you use drugs of any kind, this is another reason to supplement with Animal Pak.

With Animal Pak, you get plenty of everything you need. And a few extras. Animal Pak features performance optimizers such as pyridoxine alpha-ketoglutarate (PAK), carnitine, lipotropics, L-arginine, alpha lipoic acid, eleuthero, and the like. In every pack, you get a vast arsenal of over 60 key ingredients that are delivered in the right amounts at the right time, every time. Each of the 11 tablets included in each pak has been specifically formulated to deliver the goods.

What’s in Universal Nutrition Animal Pak?

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 2 packs
Servings Per Container 22

Amount Per Serving
 Serving % DV
Calories 40   –
Total Carbohydrate 4 g < 2%
Dietary Fiber 2 g 8%
Protein 6 g 12%
Calcium 2 g 200%
Riboflavin 76 mg 4471%
Biotin 300 mcg 100%
Phosphorus 1330 mg 133%
Folic Acid 400 mcg 100%
Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol) 680 IU 170%
Niacin (as Niacinamide) 82 mg 410%
Iodine (from Kelp) 150 mcg 100%
Selenium (as Sodium Selenate) 50 mcg 71%
Pantothenic Acid (as Calcium Pantothenate) 76 mg 760%
Magnesium (as Oxide) 400 mg 100%
Manganese (as Sulfate) 5 mg 250%
Zinc (as Oxide) 30 mg 200%
Thiamin (as Mononitrate) 76 mg 5067%
Copper (as Sulfate) 600 mcg 30%
Potassium (as Sulfate) 200 mg 6%
Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid & Ascorbyl Palmitate) 1 g 1667%
Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin and Cyanocobalamin) 11 mcg 185%
Chromium (as Chloride) 60 mcg 50%
Vitamin A (as Carotenoids [B-Carotene, a-Carotene], acetate) 9900 IU 198%
Anabolic Adaptogen Complex 300 IU 1000%
Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine AKG, Pyridoxine HCI) 180 mg 9000%
Proprietary Blends
Anabolic Adaptogen Complex
Anabolic Adaptogen Complex 1000mg: Muira Puama, Kudzu (Isoflavones), Safed Musli, Rhodiola Rosea (Rosavins).
*percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Ingredients: Dicalcium Phosphate, Whey Protein Concentrate (Milk), Glucose Polymers, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Arginine (a-Ketoglutarate, Dessicated Argentine Liver (Bovine), Stearic Acid, Magnesium Stearate, Choline Bitartrate, Calcium Carbonate, Silicon Dioxide, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Lecithin (Soy), Carnitine Fumarate, Calcium Citrate, Alfalfa, Rose Hips, Rice Bran, Parsley, Burdock.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Nutrition Facts are a simulation of the product’s “Nutrition Label”. For the actual Nutrition Label please refer to the product packaging.

How to take Universal Nutrition Animal Pak:

Dosage: Take a single pack with breakfast or any other meal, with plenty of water. For those who compete or are training with higher intensity, take two packs daily, separated by 4-12 hours.


Made in a GMP facility that uses milk, soy, egg, peanuts.


PLEASE NOTE: Product image is representative of the product offered but may not have the exact attributes. Please read product description for the specific attributes of this product.


PLEASE NOTE: The information above is intended for reference only. While we attempt to keep our information accurate, we cannot guarantee it is an accurate representation of the latest formulation of the product. If you have any concerns, please visit the vendor’s web site. The information above are the views of the product’s manufacturer, not the views of Same Day Supplements. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.